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Inclusive Recruitment:

Strategies for Today's Employer
Grow your business by recruiting people who experience disability.
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Modules: 2
  • Knowledge Check: 1
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Alt text: Laptop displaying a screen reading "Inclusive Recruitment: Strategies for Today's Employer. Below is CASE's Innovation Lab logo and to right, an image of a group of colleagues working together on a project.

What's included?

  • 6 Downloadable Resources
  • 4 Video Clips
  • Micro-credentials

Real Value

Understand the realities of working with job seekers experiencing disability. You will learn more about:

  • Advantages of Workplace Inclusion
  • The Impact of Ableism
  • Benefits of Improving Accessibility

Real Action

Learn practical ways to connect with talented candidates through:

  • Clear Job Postings
  • Accessible Application Processes
  • Inclusive Interviewing