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Welcome to the CASE Learning Portal!

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Diverse workforces are strong workforces. 

CASE Learning and Development Logo
A laptop screen shows a webpage highlighting CASE certificate programs, courses, and events.   

You are now entering the Employer Branch

This branch houses:   

Complimentary Courses
Complimentary Webinar Content 
Complimentary Podcasts 
 Monthly Highlighted Resource 
  • CASE is a national member-based association of supported employment service providers. The resources offered on this branch complement the vital services that these organizations provide to employers and job seekers across Canada. To find a member in your area, use this member map.
  •  CASE provides micro-credentials for completed certificate programs and courses. Our micro-credentials are verifiable digital badges and certificates that can be shared on social media platforms, resumes, and websites.   
  • If this is your first time visiting this branch, take a moment to scroll down to learn more about helpful features and our commitment to accessibility before logging in.  
The digital badge for the Nature of Innovation course. A circle with CASE’s logo, a red maple leaf, at the top and the name of the course across a banner in the middle. 

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Our Commitment 

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Our platform, programs, and courses are designed with accessibility in mind. Please click on the accessibility widget located in the lower-left corner of the screen or read our accessibility statement to learn more.   


Our navigation allows learners to easily move through the learning material, access resources, and communicate with instructors and tech support.   


Our certificate programs offer exercises that can be directly applied to your daily work. Our courses offer actionable strategies and tips.  


Our team enjoys hosting a social and collaborative learning environment. We offer a variety of learning opportunities and provide timely feedback, support, and technical assistance.   

Contact us

To discuss additional accommodations or partnership opportunities around program or course development, please reach out to the Director of Learning and Development:  
To request technical support at any step of your learning journey, reach out to:   

To explore other possibilities for engaging and partnering with CASE, reach out to our Employer Engagement Coordinator:  

What our learners have to say… 

"I can’t even begin to explain the numerous new perspectives I gained while taking the SEE program. The instructors helped guide us through each new concept and technique to ensure we consistently provide quality services within our respective organizations."
Stephanie Gould
Nova Scotia Works – Cumberland African Nova Scotian Association
"This course helped me refine what Supported Employment looks like. It allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and get familiar with new ways of approaching employers, supporting clients, and working with my organization to be better in the future.”
Leslie Yorke
Employment Maintenance Worker / Job Coach
YMCA of Cape Breton
"Completing this course has definitely reenergized me and although I have always loved this kind of work, it has me excited to try some new approaches and resources. I feel I have a larger toolbox of resources than before.”
Robin Benedict
Employment Maintenance Worker / Job Coach
PeopleWorx Society